Risk insurance clients worth more

The demand has exceeded supply, with many buyers asking Radar Results about risk insurance client registers and businesses. Australia’s largest buyer agent for financial services, Radar Results, is looking for any financial planner or life insurance agent looking to sell; and looking at doing so right now.

The price multiple on risk insurance clients is traditionally 2.2 times annualised renewable commission and as high as 2.7 times depending on the average client age of each client. The age range that is most favoured is between 35-55 years old, and the size of the business’s annual recurring revenue is $500K-$750K. The younger the risk clients, the higher the multiple paid by our clients (the buyers).

This represents a purchase price between $1.35 million to $1.5 million based on the current price multiples of three times and on the annual recurring revenue of $500,000.

Some of Radar Results’ buyers are now asking for much higher levels of annual fees, as much as $3M per year. These risk books are harder to get but not impossible, as smaller companies are merging with larger ones. Price multiples on risk-insurance books are expected to increase from here, insulated from stock market falls.


Accounting practices for sale are becoming rare

Radar Results sees price multiples rising for accounting practices in the next several years. It is simply a matter of supply and demand, with fewer sellers on the market. The traditional size business sought-after by accounting firms has fees of $1-$2 million per year.

Recently, clients at Radar Results have been asking for larger accounting practices, as big as $5M. Based on the standardised Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT), a sales price of that size of accounting practice will range from $8M to $10M, using an EBIT of $2M. These size accounting practices are typically located in major cities and a few larger regional areas.

Accounting fees can include self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) admin fees. These annual administration fees may be between $3,000 to $4,000 per SMSF account, including the auditing and tax returns. The selling price for these administration fees would be more than double the standard accounting fees. I can see that buying SMSF administration fees will cost more because the revenue is stable and they are very hard to find.
